From Tune-Up to Repair: Things You Should Know About Vehicle Maintenance
Your car is one of the most expensive
purchases you’ve made and so it makes sense to ensure it’s always kept in the
very best condition. By regularly undertaking your own maintenance schedule,
you can prevent serious issues from developing with your vehicle and ultimately
save a lot of money on repairs!
Here are some maintenance checks you can do
yourself, without any mechanical training:
- This might sound obvious but a lot of people don’t read the manufacturer’s manual for the vehicle they have and they miss out on a lot of very useful information. Your car’s manual will have information such as how frequently the oil should be changed and even what kind of oil is recommended by the manufacturer. Obviously you don’t need to read it from cover to cover but just the relevant parts to daily motoring.
- Carry out your own vehicle maintenance checks. You don’t have to book your car in every few months if you pay regular attention to things like tire pressure, brakes and the various fluids your car needs. If you’re planning a longer journey, take time before you set off to check that you have enough water and that all your lights are working as they should be. You can check out your own tire tread by using a small coin, which when placed into the tread should remain in place.
- Regularly inspect your serpentine and timing belts for deterioration and replace them if necessary, either yourself or by a mechanic. Your owner’s manual will have all the information you need to gauge when you should think about replacing your car’s belts and so you can schedule an inspection ahead of that time. If your vehicle’s belts are in good condition when you inspect them, make a note to take another look a few months down the line, depending on how often and how far you drive.
- Checking your car’s oil and topping up with the right kind is important for good performance. It’s important to regularly check the level using the dipstick or in newer cars, there’s often an electronic gauge instead. Usually if there’s a problem with the oil being contaminated with dust or dirt, you will notice in the way your car handles and sounds. Always get any strange engine noises checked by a qualified mechanic.
- An important part of your maintenance program is to check the batter and if necessary, clean the contacts. Most modern batteries don’t require the degree of maintenance as their older counterparts but it’s important that you know where to look and also how to jumpstart your vehicle should the battery ever fail. Always ensure your battery isn’t leaking and that there’s no build-up of dirt forming on the contacts.
When your windshield wipers start to leave
streaks or are squeaking when they move, it’s time to change them. It might
seem like a trivial task but when there’s a downpour, you don’t want to be
unable to see the road ahead of you for the sake of such a simple job. Don’t
leave it until you can hardly see a thing, especially as wipers are easily
Regularly Maintain your Vehicle for Maximum Performance
and Economy!
We are specialists in vehicle maintenance
and know the importance of taking care of all the small jobs so that the big
repairs aren’t necessary. Sometimes, it’s inevitable that there’s something not
quite right with our vehicle’s performance that we can’t figure out for
ourselves. That’s when you should talk to highly qualified experts who can help
you get the best value for money from your vehicle, with professional
maintenance and servicing. Reach out to an expert by clicking HERE!